Auteur Sujet: Mainstage passe en version 2.1.1  (Lu 5173 fois)


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Mainstage passe en version 2.1.1
« le: mars 11, 2010, 03:36:41 pm »
ça bosse dur chez Apple et une nouvelle mise à  jour de Mainstage 2 vient de tomber ! De nombreux correctifs ont été apportés à  Mainstage (en voici la liste ci-dessous):

MainStage 2.1.1 Update

This update improves overall performance and provides numerous fixes. This update is recommended for all users of MainStage 2. Issues addressed include but are not limited to:

64-bit Mode Issues

    * It is now possible to run FXPansion's BFD2 plug-in in the 32-bit Audio Unit Bridge.
    * Fixes several issues with the graphical user interface and controls of third party Audio Units running in the 32-bit Audio Unit Bridge.

Stability Issues

    * In 64-bit mode, a 32-bit Audio Unit plug-in quitting unexpectedly no longer causes MainStage to also quit unexpectedly.
    * Working with multiple concerts with open plug-in windows no longer causes MainStage to sometimes quit unexpectedly.
    * MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly if a Patch increment button is assigned to a sustain pedal, and MainStage is switched from Layout mode to Edit mode while receiving continuous sustain messages.
    * Resolves an issue that could cause MainStage to quit unexpectedly when removing or changing  an audio device.

General Issues

    * Resolves an issue that could cause loss of audio output when “Display audio engine overloadâ€
« Modifié: janvier 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am par Guest »
Logic Pro 9.1.8 -Mac OS X 10.11.6 -Mac Pro 2X2.66Ghz+10 Gigas de RAM + 2 To baie externe + UAD-1, Complete Composer Collection, Stylus RMX, Omnisphere, Trilian, MachFive 2, MX4, Imposcar, Korg analog et digital Edition, DFH Superior + Superior Drummer 2 + EZ Drummer + Akai S1100, Kurzweil K2500 + PC1X + Yamaha DX7IID + Korg WS Ex + Rhodes Suitecase + MK80 + EMAX 2 + Mini Moog + Yamaha 03D + Roland AX-7